Sydney Airport
Water & Wastewater Masterplanning & Delivery

Strategic advice on the future proofing of the airport, considering risks and resilience, through to the delivery of construction documentation.
WSce has been working with Sydney Airport (SYD) since 2017 assisting in the masterplanning through to delivery of their hydraulic services. The SYD precinct encompasses 907 Ha, handling over 40 million passengers per annum. The water, sewer and recycled water services are a critical service to ensure the ongoing operations of the international and domestic terminals. Resilience and redundancy are integral to the planning of the SYD infrastructure to allow for operations to continue in the event of a failure and to ensure that there is appropriate provision for future growth.
Our role
WSce has made a significant contribution to the SYD precinct and the delivery of its hydraulic services, working on over 40 projects.
We prepared a new engineering design guideline for Sydney Airport, which serves as the framework for all future hydraulics, fire and civil (stormwater) design and construction projects at the airport. Two guidelines were produced, one for private infrastructure works and the other for building services.
We provide input into the SYD masterplan to review existing water, sewer and recycled water services to meet the projected growth. This includes developing hydraulic models for each service to confirm the existing capacities of the networks and identify where upgrades are required to allow for growth. We review each proposed development and provide advice on applicable pressure and flow to understand whether additional fire fighting infrastructure will be required.
We have also delivered upgrades to the airport’s infrastructure from concept to commissioning. This includes the design of 6.5km of DN450 water mains, asset adjustments for the Sydney Gateway project, and condition assessments/audits of the existing hydraulic services infrastructure.
Sydney Airport
Sydney, NSW
Hydraulic Services
Fire Service
Civil Engineering
Engineering Advisory